
Mother issues

 Read this from a quora post and it hit the nail in coffin! Is it possible for a mother to hate her own daughter? Absolutely! If the mother has character disturbances such as NPD the daughter will be target #1. If you are the daughter of an NPD mother you will experience cruel things thru out your life that will only ramp up as you mature and develop your independence. I am the daughter of a severe highest spectrum NPD mother. I have an older sister and a younger brother. I was singled out within my family at an early age. I the only one she went for with cruelty. I can remember cruel things that to this day play over and over in my head as to how a mother whom should protect and nurture could inflict the very things that hurt me to the core of my soul. I am in my 50’s and still affected as to how my own mother could hate me so. I have learned of NPD over the last 12 years and it put everything she has ever done to hurt me into perspective. I learned why i was chosen and not my sis...

Honor System

 Honor System These are some of the hard hitting lines that I can across today about forceful marriages and honor systems in India.  Women are the key perpetrators not the men. Women do uphold these honor systems and are the gate keepers to all abuse. In Essence this is what I was fighting for all my life. Could not put my finger on it and say what it was.. but My honor, my individuality, my independence is their shame and you are abused and treated so badly for being "YOU" and NOT "the version of you they expect to be" My honor is their shame!!!

Narcs, Manipulators and Toxic People

People to stay away from : People manipulate to get what they want out of you. When you truly love yourself, you can spot them from a mile away. These people are child like. They never learned to respect the boundaries. They think if they pushed and pushed, they can get away with what they want. They must have learned this trait from the parent or sibling. They learned these tactics over time to control the outcome of a situation. They're extremely insecure and have very fragile egos. When you say NO to them, you're creating a wound and you're bruising their ego. Life is a game for them - whos winning, who is loosing, whos in control. They dont sit down and think rationally whats fair or compromise with you.  "They just want what they want and they want it NOW." When they want an answer, they want it now. They dont give you a second to think. - Very pushy Unfortunately, these are the people that know you very well. They know what you're fearful of, vulnerable ...

Statistics Basics

Mean - Average (symbol mue) Mode - The Number that occurs the most Median - Simply the center of your data after the data was ordered Standard Deviation : i s a measure of the amount of variation or  dispersion  of a set of values (symbol Sigma  A low standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be close to the  mean  (also called the expected value) of the set,  high standard deviation indicates that the values are spread out over a wider range. SD is the square root of variance SD is commonly used to measure confidence in statistical conclusions Nth Percentiles : The most common way to report relative standing of a number within a data set is by using  percentiles .  Not Same as percentages If your exam score is at the 90th percentile, for example, that means 90% of the people taking the exam with you scored lower than you did (it also means that 10 percent scored higher than you did.) FINDING A PERC...

Speech Therapy

Abhiraam Start asking these questions : What did you eat for breakfast? Where did you eat breakfast? Who did you eat breakfast with? When did you eat breakfast? How did you eat breakfast? Why did you eat breakfast? Modelling Yes / NO Questions  Start with something more interesting (Bubbles).  When your child is consistently answering yes, try offering something that you know she would answer “no” to.  For example, if you’re playing with bubbles and your child is consistently answering “yes”, now switch it up and offer something uninteresting, like a small scrap of paper: “Do you want paper?”  Model “no” just like as described above with yes.  Say “No, no paper” and switch back to the one you know she likes: “Do you want bubbles?” The next step: Once you’ve practiced helping her say “no”, try to get her to answer without your help.  If she still says “yes”, say “yes, yes paper” and hand her the uninteresting object.  She wi...